谁可以帮我翻译一下 张雨生的(一天到晚游泳的鱼)。(大海)翻译成英语的...

发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2天前

从那遥远海边慢慢消失的你 本来模糊的脸竟然渐渐清晰 想要说些什麽又不知从何说起 只有把它放在心底 Along the sea thou far away and vanish from my sight You profile that I couldn"t recall become clearer There is something that I wanna say but no point to cut-in Thereby I have no choice but to put it in my deep heart 茫然走在海边看那潮来潮去 徒劳无功想把每朵浪花记清 想要说声爱你却被吹散在风里 猛然回头你在那里 Absently walking along the sea and watching the tides roaring up and down wanan remember each of the spoondrift but not can The lust for saying "I love you" was blown away by the sea breeze All atonce, I turn my head back but find nothing there where are you now? 如果大海能够唤回曾经的爱 就让我用一生等待 如果深情往事你已不再留恋 就让它随风飘远 如果大海能够带走我的哀愁 就像带走每条河流 所有受过的伤 所有流过的泪 我的爱 请全部带走 If the ocean can call the love back I will wait for it for my whole life If you even not have a nostalgia of our ever love Then let it go with the wind If the tide can take away all my pain and misery just like it collects every drop from the rivers All the hurt and tear All my love for you please take away

热心网友 时间:2天前

从那遥远海边慢慢消失的你 本来模糊的脸竟然渐渐清晰 想要说些什麽又不知从何说起 只有把它放在心底 Along the sea thou far away and vanish from my sight You profile that I couldn"t recall become clearer There is something that I wanna say but no point to cut-in Thereby I have no choice but to put it in my deep heart 茫然走在海边看那潮来潮去 徒劳无功想把每朵浪花记清 想要说声爱你却被吹散在风里 猛然回头你在那里 Absently walking along the sea and watching the tides roaring up and down wanan remember each of the spoondrift but not can The lust for saying "I love you" was blown away by the sea breeze All atonce, I turn my head back but find nothing there where are you now? 如果大海能够唤回曾经的爱 就让我用一生等待 如果深情往事你已不再留恋 就让它随风飘远 如果大海能够带走我的哀愁 就像带走每条河流 所有受过的伤 所有流过的泪 我的爱 请全部带走 If the ocean can call the love back I will wait for it for my whole life If you even not have a nostalgia of our ever love Then let it go with the wind If the tide can take away all my pain and misery just like it collects every drop from the rivers All the hurt and tear All my love for you please take away